Courtesy: the-welters .com
- cdpinfo
- display Cisco CDP packet info via tcpdump or snoop
- createVgCloneScript
- duplicate a volume group, volume, and filesystem structure
- lvinfo
- a script to help document Logical Volume Manager information on an AIX
- wackVG
- Delete the contents of a volume group, including all all files and
- pstree
- this script analyzes "ps" command output and displays the
parent / child relationships of the running processes.
- dumpall
- a set of scripts to backup Solaris and Digital Unix systems.
- vgbackup
- a very basic script for doing backups on AIX systems.
- mtfcount
- count the file marks on a tape.
- vmlog
- a script that records time stamped vmstat output to a file.
- hogs - A
script to show the top CPU or Memory users on a system.
- rex - An
rexec client for executing commands on remote systems.
- syslog maintenance
- webcat
and webload - These two scripts can be used to fetch web pages from
the command line or generate system load on web servers.
- logroll
- A script to manage old log files.
- format_clone
- A script to copy Solaris disk format layouts from one disk to another.
- inetd_cleanup
- A script to tighten up the security of Solaris inetd configurations.
- ping_scan
- A script to ping IP addresses in sequence.
- hostbyname
- Get IP address for a host name via gethostbyname
- hostbyaddr
- Reverse lookup of hostnames by IP address, using gethostbyaddr
- hostxcheck
- Forward and reverse lookup cross check
- rc4 - A
perl implementation of the "crypt" rc4 encryption command.
- repack
- Recreate a Solaris package file from an installed package
- makePackage
- create a simple package through through simple prompts.
- sh_ex
- This Bourne shell script doesn't do anything, it just has a series of
syntax examples to jog your memory when coding.
- perl_ex
- This Perl script doesn't do anything, it is just a series of syntax
examples like sh_ex.
This script is handy for documenting the logical volume
manager configuration for an AIX system. Having this information all in one
place can be useful when trying to analyze disk utilization. It can also be
valuable as part of the disaster recovery documentation for a system. Click here to see the script.
Platforms supported: IBM AIX 4.x
# Simple script to document LVM configurations.
# Andy Welter
exec 2>&1
printf "*********************************************************\n"
printf "\nDF\n"
printf "==========================\n"
df -k
printf "\nVOLUME GROUPS:\n"
printf "==========================\n"
printf "\n\nPHYSICAL VOLUMES:\n"
printf "==========================\n"
printf "\n\nPVs BY VOLUME GROUP\n"
printf "==========================\n"
lsvg | while read VG; do
printf "\n$VG\n"
printf "--------------------------\n"
lspv | grep $VG
printf "\n\nPV INFORMATION:\n"
printf "==========================\n"
lspv | while read PV; do
printf "\n$PV\n"
printf "--------------------------\n"
lspv $PV
printf "\n\nVG INFORMATION\n"
printf "==========================\n"
for VG in $VGLIST; do
printf "\n$VG\n"
printf "--------------------------\n"
lsvg $VG
lsvg -l $VG
printf "\n\nLV INFORMATION\n"
printf "==========================\n"
for VG in $VGLIST; do
printf "\nVolume Group: $VG\n"
printf "--------------------------\n"
lsvg -l $VG | egrep -v "^$VG:" | egrep -v "^LV NAME" | while read LV JUNK;
printf "\nLogical Volume: $LV\n"
printf "--------------------------\n"
lslv $LV
Display Cisco Discovery Protocol packet information via
tcpdump or snoop. This information includes the name of the network switch the
network interface is connected to, plus the port number, vlan, and duplex of
the port. Click here for the script.
Platforms supported: IBM AIX, Sun Solaris
# Listen for Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) packets
# and print out key values such as switch, port, vlan, and duplex.
# This script depends on either "snoop" (Solaris) or
# "tcpdump" (AIX, and others). Both of those programs generally
# must be run as root.
# It has been tested on Solaris 10 and AIX 5.3.
# Andy Welter
# Version 1.1
# July 2007
# Support timeout values while waiting on the cdp packet.
# Version 1.0
# December 2006
# Initial Version.
$usage="cdpinfo -i <ethernet interface> [-t timeoutvalue] [-v]\n-i use the enX device name for the interface to watch\n-t timeout value in seconds. Don't wait for a cdp packet longer than this. default is 60 seconds. zero means no limit.\n-v verbose output\n";
use Getopt::Std;
if ( getopts ('i:t:v') == 0) {
print "$usage";
exit 1;
if ($opt_i) {
$iface="-i $opt_i";
# convert string data to hex characters.
sub hexprint {
my ($string)=@_;
my $hex="";
my $ii,$len;
$len=length ($string);
@bytes=unpack "C*",$string;
foreach $byte (@bytes) {
$hex=$hex . sprintf "%02x ",$byte;
return $hex;
# Parse TCP dump output to acquire a CDP packet
sub tcpdump {
my ($cmd)=@_;
# tcpdump omits the first 14 bytes of a packet in the hex dump
# so put some filler in the packet string
my $packet="01234567890123";
open (GETPACKET, "$cmd") || die "cannot open $cmd\n";
while ( $_ = <GETPACKET> ) {
# look a line that starts with white space, followed by at least
# 2 hex characters
if (m/^\s+([\da-fA-F]+ )/) {
@data=split /\s+/,$_,8;
foreach $bytes (@data) {
$verbose && print "$bytes ";
$packet=$packet . pack "H4", $bytes;
$verbose && print "\n";
} ;
return $packet;
# Parse "snoop" output for the packet
sub snoop {
my ($cmd)=@_;
my $packet="";
open (GETPACKET, "$cmd") || die "cannot open $cmd\n";
while ( $_ = <GETPACKET> ) {
print "-- $_\n";
if (/^\s+\d+:/) {
@data=split /\s+/,$_,10;
shift @data;
pop @data;
foreach $bytes (@data) {
$packet=$packet . pack "H4", $bytes;
return $packet;
# Parse the acquired CDP packet for key values.
sub decodePacket {
my ($packet)=@_;
my $plen,$string,$ii,$flength,$switchName,$switchPort,$ftype,$vlan,$duplex;
# decode the packet
# ethernet layout:
# 0-7 8 byte preamble
# 8-13 6 byte dest mac addr
# 14-19 6 byte source mac addr
# 20-21 2 byte type field
# 22-23 2 byte check sum
# 24-25 2 byte ???
# 26-27 2 byte first CDP data field
# 28-29 2 byte field length (including field type and length)
# 30-- Variable data.
# 4 byte CRC field.
# Field type indicators
# Device-ID => 0x01
# Version-String => 0x05
# Platform => 0x06
# Address => 0x02
# Port-ID => 0x03
# Capability => 0x04
# VTP-Domain => 0x09
# VLAN-ID => 0x0a
# Duplex => 0x0b
# AVVID-Trust => 0x12
# AVVID-CoS => 0x13);
$verbose && printf "packet len=%d\n",length($packet);
# The CDP packet data starts at offset 26
$plen=length ($packet);
while ( $ii < $plen-4) {
$ftype=unpack "S", substr ($packet, $ii, 2);
$flength=unpack "S", substr ($packet, $ii+2, 2);
if ( $ftype == 1 ) {
$switchName=substr ($packet,$ii+4,$flength-4);
} elsif ( $ftype == 3 ) {
$switchPort=substr ($packet,$ii+4,$flength-4);
} elsif ( $ftype == 10 ) {
$vlan=unpack "s",substr ($packet,$ii+4,$flength-4);
} elsif ( $ftype == 11 ) {
$duplex=unpack "c",substr ($packet,$ii+4,$flength-4);
$string=substr ($packet,$ii+4,$flength-4);
$fvalue=hexprint ($string);
$verbose && printf "\noffset=%d, type 0x%04x, length 0x%04x\nHex Value:\n%s\nASCII value:\n%s\n\n",
$ii,$ftype, $flength-4,$fvalue,$string;
if ($flength == 0 ) {
return sprintf "\"%s\",\"%s\",\"%d\",\"0x%02x\"",
# determine whether we are a snoop or tcpdump kinda system
$cmd=`which tcpdump`;
chomp $cmd;
if ( $cmd ne "" ) {
$cmd= "$cmd $iface -s 1500 -x -c 1 'ether [20:2] = 0x2000' 2>/dev/null |";
} else {
$cmd=`which snoop`;
chomp $cmd;
if ( $cmd ne "" ) {
$cmd="$cmd $iface -s 1500 -x0 -c 1 'ether[20:2] = 0x2000' 2>/dev/null |";
} else {
print "ERROR: neither snoop nor tcpdump in my path\n";
exit 1;
sub timeout {
die "TIMEOUT";
eval {
alarm ($timeout);
# use tcpdump or snoop to get a CDP packet
if ( $cmd=~m/snoop/ ) {
$packet=snoop ($cmd);
} elsif ( $cmd=~m/tcpdump/ ) {
} else {
print "ERROR: snoop or tcpdump not found\n";
exit 1;
if ($@ =~ "TIMEOUT") {
# Decode the acquired packet and print the results.
print '"' . $idev . '",' . decodePacket ($packet) . "\n";
This script can used in disaster recovery to rebuild the
non-rootvg volume groups and volumes on a system. The output of this script is
a script that will run the required mklv and crfs commands needed to duplicate
a systems file system structure. This script needs to be run prior to a
disaster in order to produce the volume creation script. The volume creation
script requires some manual editing in order to adapt to the specific hardware
being used for recovery. In the event of a real recovery the disk names and
sizes will differ from the original system configuration, which requires that
the mklv commands be manually edited. Click here to see the script.
Platforms supported: IBM AIX 5.x
# This script is used in disaster recovery to rebuild the
# non-rootvg volume groups and volumes on a system. The output
# of this script is a script that will run the required mklv and
# crfs commands needed to duplicate a systems file system structure.
# This script needs to be run prior to a disaster in order to
# produce the volume creation script. The volume creation script
# requires some manual editing in order to adapt to the specific
# hardware being used for recovery. In the event of a real recovery
# the disk names and sizes will differ from the original system
# configuration, which requires that the mklv commands be manually
# edited.
# Andy Welter - ajw8
# MeadWestvaco
# February 2005
# Version 1.4
# v1.4 NOTE: use "lsfs" to get nbpi, frag size, bf, and other file system parms.
# v1.3 NOTE: added jfslog and jfs2log volume support. Fixed $lps vs $pps bug.
# v1.2 NOTE: fixed file system type error with mklv. Changed output comments.
sub getfsparms {
# Use lsfs to determine the parameters used in creating the file system.
my ($fsname)=@_;
my $commandOptions="";
my $parms=`lsfs -cq $fsname | tail -1`;
chomp $parms;
@parmList=split /:/,$parms;
foreach $option (@parmList) {
@parsed=split /\s+/,$option;
if ($parsed [0] eq "frag" ) {
$commandOptions=$commandOptions . " -a frag=$parsed[2]";
} elsif ( $parsed [0] eq "nbpi" ) {
$commandOptions=$commandOptions . " -a nbpi=$parsed[1]";
} elsif ( $parsed [0] eq "compress" ) {
$commandOptions=$commandOptions . " -a compress=$parsed[1]";
} elsif ( $parsed [0] eq "ag" ) {
$commandOptions=$commandOptions . " -a ag=$parsed[1]";
} elsif ( $parsed [0] eq "logname" ) {
$commandOptions=$commandOptions . " -a logname=$parsed[1]";
return $commandOptions;
if ( $scriptOutput ne "" ) {
if ( -f $scriptOutput ) {
rename ($scriptOutput,"$scriptOutput.old");
open (SCRIPT, ">$scriptOutput") ||
die "cannot write output file $scriptOutput\n";
select SCRIPT;
open (LSVG, "lsvg |") || die "cannot get vglist\n";
while ( $_ = <LSVG>) {
if ( $_ ne "rootvg" ) {
push (@vglist, $_);
close LSVG;
print "#!/usr/bin/ksh\n";
print "##
## This script auto generated by /root/createVgCloneScript
## Edit this script as needed, and run it to recreate
## non-rootvg volume groups and file systems.
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime (time);
printf ("## Created: %02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d \n",
$mon+1, $mday, $year+1900, $hour, $min, $sec);
print "echo 'script to clone volume groups:'\n";
print "echo \"@vglist\"\n\n";
print "echo 'Create Volume groups:'\n";
print "echo 'edit script to add physical volumes to each mkvg command'\n";
print "echo 'ex: mkvg -f -y myvgname hdisk1 hdisk2'\n";
print "\n";
print "echo 'NOTE: once this script has been edited with the proper hdisks,'\n";
print "echo ' remove the exit statement from the script so it will run'\n";
print "#################################################\n";
print "#################################################\n";
print "exit 1\n\n\n";
foreach $vg (@vglist) {
print "# volume group: $vg\n";
open (VGINFO, "lsvg $vg |") ||die "cannot get vginfo for $vg\n";
while ($_ = <VGINFO> ) {
@info=split (/\s+/);
if ( m/^VG STATE/ ) {
} elsif ( m/^ACTIVE PVs/) {
$vgActive{$vg} = $info[5];
} elsif ( m/TOTAL PPs/) {
$vgSize{$vg}="$info[5] $info[6] $info[7]";
} elsif ( m/USED PPs/) {
$vgUsed{$vg}="$info[4] $info[5] $info[6]";
if ( $vgActive {$vg} ne "yes" ) {
} else {
print ("#####################\n");
print ("# CREATE $vg\n");
print ("# ORIGINAL SIZE: $vgSize{$vg}\n");
print ("# ORIGINAL USED: $vgUsed{$vg}\n");
print ("# mkvg -f -s $ppSize{$vg} $noStart -y $vg <INSERT HDISK LIST>\n");
close VGINFO;
foreach $vg (@vglist) {
# Create jfs and jfs2 log volumes. Need to do this before we
# create the file systems.
open (LVLIST, "lsvg -l $vg | tail +3 |") || die "cannot get lvlist for $vg\n";
while ( $_ = <LVLIST> ) {
($volname, $type, $lps, $pps, $pvs, $state, $mount) =
split /\s+/;
if ($type eq "jfslog" || $type eq "jfs2log") {
print "#\n# $logType log file.\n";
print "mklv -t $type -y $volname $vg $lps\n";
print "logform -V $logType /dev/$volname\n";
close LVLIST;
open (LVLIST, "lsvg -l $vg | tail +3 |") || die "cannot get lvlist for $vg\n";
while ( $_ = <LVLIST> ) {
($volname, $type, $lps, $pps, $pvs, $state, $mount) =
split /\s+/;
if ($type eq "jfs" || $type eq "jfs2" || $type eq "paging") {
push (@fsList, $mount);
$lvInfo {$vg} = "$type $lps $mount";
if ( $type eq paging ) {
print "mkps -s $lps -t lv $vg\n";
} else {
# convert number of PPs to number of
# 512 byte blocks
$fsSize=$lps * $ppSize{$vg} * 2048;
print "#\n# $mount file system size = $fsSize bytes\n";
print "lsfs $mount 2> /dev/null >&2\n";
print "if [ \$? -eq 0 ]; then\n\trmfs $mount\nfi\n";
print "mklv -t $type -y $volname $vg $lps\n";
print "crfs -v $type -A yes -d $volname $fsParms -m $mount\n"
close LVLIST;
# Sort the file systems by mount point name. Mount points
# need to be created, and hierarchical file systems need to
# be mounted in the proper order in order to create the
# sub directory mount points.
print "\n##\n## Create mount points and mount file systems\n##\n";
@fsList=sort @fsList;
foreach $fs (@fsList) {
print "if [ ! -d $fs ]; then\n";
print " mkdir -p $fs\n";
print "fi\n";
print "mount $fs\n";
This script performs a basic cleanup of a volume group in
order to provide a somewhat secure remove of data. This is obviously not DOD or
financial system grade data erasure, but may be sufficient for many enviroments
when turning systems over to a recycling company or at the end of an offsite
disaster recovery test. The script does the following actions: For each volume
in the indicated volume group: - kill any processes using file systems in the
volume group - recursively remove all files in the volume - remove the file
system with rmfs - once all the volumes are removed, remove the volume group
via reducevg. For best results, follow up the deletion of the volume group with
a creation of a new volume group re-using the PVs. Click here to see the script.
Platforms supported: IBM AIX 5.x
# This script performs a basic cleanup of a volume group in
# order to provide a somewhat secure remove of data. This is
# obviously not DOD or financial system grade data erasure,
# but may be sufficient for many enviroments when turning
# systems over to a recycling company or at the end of an
# offsite disaster recovery test.
# The script does the following actions:
# For each volume in the indicated volume group:
# - kill any processes using file systems in the volume group
# - recursively remove all files in the volume
# - remove the file system with rmfs
# - once all the volumes are removed, remove the volume group
# via reducevg.
# For best results,
# follow up the deletion of the volume group with a creation
# of a new volume group re-using the PVs.
# Andy Welter
# January 2005
if [ "$VG" = "" ]; then
print "ERROR: must specify a volume group"
exit 1
print "!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!"
print "!!! This script will !!!"
print "!!! delete all data !!!"
print "!!! on the following !!!"
print "!!! volume group: !!!"
lsvg -l $VG
print "Whack $VG ?\n\n"
read ANS
case $ANS in
y|Y) print "Ok, here we go"
sleep 2
*) print "Quitting."
exit 1
lsvg -l $VG | sort -b +6r| egrep "jfs |jfs2 " | grep -v "^LV NAME" | \
print "removing $MOUNT..." >&2
if [ "$TESTRUN" = "" ]; then
fuser -ck $MOUNT
find $MOUNT -xdev -depth -exec rm {} \;
ls -alR $MOUNT
umount $MOUNT
rmfs $MOUNT
print "test: $MOUNT"
lspv | while read PVNAME VOLID CURVG STATUS; do
case $CURVG in
$VG) print "remove $PVNAME from $VG"
if [ "$TESTRUN" = "" ]; then
reducevg -df $VG $PVNAME
*) print "ignore $PVNAME... belongs to $CURVG"
#==================== wackVG================================#
This script can be handy to visualize the parent child
relationships of processes running on your system. When analyzing performance
or other system problems, you often want to find out who belongs to who. This
script uses a really handy feature in newer "ps" commands. The
"-o" option. this command line option is used to control specifically
what output fields you are interested in from "ps" and specifically
what order you want them to appear in. This makes it much much easier to pick
apart the output of "ps" in a script. When issued without any parameters, it displays the ancestry of all processes running on the system relative to the "schd" process. (pid 0). You can also supply a specific pid, and only the ancestry of that process will be shown.
This script is kinda interesting in that it is a Bourne shell script that uses recursion. But because of this, it is really inefficient (recursive calls require a new process be spawned off). It would be much better off written in Perl, but I originally wrote it before I knew Perl very well.
click here to see the script.
Platforms supported: Unixs who's "ps" command supports the "-o" option. (ie, Solaris, Digital Unix, AIX, but not Linux)
# Author: Andy Welter
# January 15, 2000
# Display a parent child relationship for a process or all processes
# on a system.
# This script uses recursive calls to itself in a bourne shell script
# which is kinda cool, but is really inefficient.
# It takes advantage of the "-o" option on the PS command to put
# the PS output into a more easily parsed format and this also
# makes it more portable between Unix flavors. Linux does not
# support this option, so unfortunately it doesn't work on Linux.
lookup_ancestors () {
# Find parent of current process, then recursively call this
# script to display it's line of anscestors.
# Note that Orphan processes show pid 1 as their parent.
PROC=`cat $FILE | grep "^$PID "`
PPID=`echo "$PROC" | (read pid ppid user args;echo $ppid)`
if [ -n "$PPID" ]; then
if [ $PID -ne 0 ]; then
$0 -p $PPID
lookup_descendents () {
# Find list of children of the current process, and recursively
# call this script for each of the children found to display
# their children.
cat $FILE | grep " $1 " | \
while read PID PPID USER ARGS; do
if [ "$PID" != "$PPID" ]; then
$0 -c $PID "$indent"
display_process () {
# display the ps info of the indicated process.
# (can be used for parents or children)
# $1 is the pid to display
# $indent is the amount of indentation to display before the process
cat $FILE | grep "^$1 " | while read PID PPID USER ARGS; do
echo "$indent$USER $PID $PPID $ARGS"
step=" "
PS="ps -ea -o pid -o ppid -o user -o args"
if [ "$1" = "-p" ]; then
# look up parent pid then display the current process.
# anscestors will be in oldest to newest order.
# don't bother indenting for parents.
lookup_ancestors $2
display_process $2
elif [ "$1" = "-c" ]; then
# lookup child pid
display_process $2
lookup_descendents $2
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
# This is the initial call to the script.
# Display ancestors and descendents #
echo "================="
echo "= Looking up information for process $START"
echo "================="
# Get the output to ps and normalize it's output
export FILE
$PS | tail +2 | sed 's/^ *//g' > $FILE
display_process $START
echo "================="
echo "= Ancestors of process $START"
echo "================="
lookup_ancestors $START
echo "================="
echo "= Descendents of process $START"
echo "================="
lookup_descendents $START
/bin/rm $FILE
This script provides a simple way to log performance data
to a file. Running accounting or installing a full shrink wrap package like HP
Perfview can obviously provide you with more information. But if you want
something cheap and easy, this can be a good start. The first step on solving
performance complaints is to know what the system has done in the past. And the
first steps in justifying hardware upgrades is to show that the system is busy
and that usage has increased. The way I install this script is to run it via
cron at midnight. By default, it reports 24 hours worth of observations, 60
seconds apart. Command line options can be used to alter the interval between
observations or alter the number of observations. - The vmlog
- A clean up
script, vmlog_cleanup
, to remove old log files.
# This script records "vmstat" information for a defined period of time,
# (default of 1 day) and records it to a file with a time stamp for each
# line. when the script is done running each day, it compresses the log file.
# This script would typically be called from cron at just after midnight
# each day.
# Usage:
USEAGE="vmlog [-i interval] [-c count] [-l logfile]"
# Logfile - If not specified, this defaults to /var/tmp/vmlog with a
# date and time stamp appended to the end.
# Interval - If not specified, this defaults to 60 seconds.
# Count - If not specified, this defaults to 24 hours worth of
# observations, the number of which depends on the interval
# chosen.
# Andy Welter
# 9/28/98
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
echo $USAGE
exit 1
while [ $# -ge 2 ]; do
case $1 in
-c) COUNT=$2
shift 2
shift 2
-l) LOG=$2
shift 2
*) echo $USAGE
exit 1
if [ -z "$INTERVAL" ]; then
if [ -z "$COUNT" ]; then
# Number of seconds in a day = 24x60x60=86400
COUNT=`expr 86400 / $INTERVAL`
if [ -z "$LOG" ]; then
LOG=`date +"/var/tmp/stats/vmlog.%y%m%d"`
LOG=`date +"$LOG.%y%m%d"`
vmstat $INTERVAL $COUNT | while read LINE; do
date +"%H:%M:%S $LINE" >> $LOG
compress $LOG
# This program deletes vmlog output files.
# Andy Welter 10/01/98
# TIMELIMIT is used to control how long a file is kept by the system.
# every time this script runs, it will delete files that are greater
# than the specified number of days.
# TIMELIMIT must start with a "+" in order to function properly.
DATE=`date +"%y%m%d"`
if [ -d $LOGDIR ]; then
find $LOGDIR -type f -name 'vmlog.*' -mtime $TIMELIMIT -exec rm {} \;
This script needs to be reworked, it isn't the greatest
right now. It does a few things for you, so it is a starting point, but it
doesn't send results via email, or warn you if you are not backing up a volume
group or anything like that. All it does is do a mksysb, followed by a dump of
the volumes in each additional volume group you specify. It maintains a log
file, and can automatically print it out, but it doesn't send the results in
email. Click here to see the script.
Platforms supported: AIX 3.x and 4.x.
# Simple backup script for a list of volume groups. All filesystems
# in each of the volume groups specified will be backed up using the
# "backup" command.
# Andy Welter
# February 17, 1999
# parms:
# -log If this parm is used, script output will be logged to
# /var/adm/logs/backup.YYMMDD.log. Otherwise script output
# will be written to the screen.
# <vglist> A list of additional volume groups to backup. If not present, the
# The script defaults to backing up "rootvg" only.
while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
case $1 in
# Redirect output to the log file
LOG=`date +"/var/adm/logs/backup.%y%m%d.log"`
exec 2> $LOG >&2
if [ "$VGLIST" = "" ]; then
# Get list of mount points
for VG in $VGLIST; do
lsvg -l $VG | grep " jfs " | \
while read LV junk2 junk3 junk4 junk5 junk6 FS; do
if [ "$FSLIST" = "" ]; then
echo "NOTE: No extra file systems specified."
echo "NOTE: Only rootvg will be backed up."
date +"begin backup at %y/%m/%d %H:%M"
echo "Performing a mksysb and backing up the following file systems: $FSLIST"
echo "Run mksysb..."
mkszfile && mksysb -m -i -X $DEV
RC=`expr $RC + $RC2`
date +"mksysb complete at %y%m%d %H:%M"
for FS in $FSLIST; do
date +"backup $FS %y/%m/%d %H:%M"
/etc/backup -0 -f $DEV $FS
RC=`expr $RC + $RC2`
if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then
echo "SUCCESS: done with $FS"
echo "ERROR: Backup of $FS failed"
# eject the tape
if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then
echo "ejecting the tape..."
mt -f $DEV offline
echo "ERROR: at least one backup had errors."
date +"done with backup at %y/%m/%d %H:%M"
if [ "$PRINT" = "yes" ]; then
lp $LOG
This script counts the number of file marks on a tape. It
can optionally position the tape just past the last file mark when it is done.
This can be handy when trying to figure out what is on an unmarked tape, when
verifying that a backup worked correctly, or when you want to append additional
backups on the end of a tape that has been rewound already. click here to see the script.
Platforms supported: Most Unix flavors
# Count file marks on a tape. It can optionally position the tape
# after the last mark so you can append to the end of it.
# Andy Welter
USAGE="mtfcount [-f <devname>] [-append|-a]"
if [ "$TAPE" = "" ]; then
while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
case $1 in
shift 2
echo "$USAGE"
exit 1
mt -f $DEV rewind
while [ $RC -eq 0 ]; do
echo "Skipping file $COUNT..."
mt -f $DEV fsf 1
if [ $RC -eq 0 ]; then
COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1`
echo "$COUNT files found on tape"
echo "rewinding tape..."
mt -f $DEV rewind
if [ "$APPEND" = "yes" ]; then
if [ $COUNT -ge 1 ]; then
echo "positioning tape to the end..."
mt -f $DEV fsf $COUNT
This simplistic script uses the "-o" parameter to
the ps command to put the ps output format into a more easily parsed format.
This is a handy technique for any script that has to parse "ps"
output. Unfortunately, not all ps commands support this option. Linux is one of
the systems that does not support it. The "top" program available
elsewhere on the net is a more powerful way of monitoring CPU utilization, but
I still like this simple tweak to a ps command. click here to see the script
Platforms supported: Versions of Unix that support the "-o" option for "ps" (ie not Linux)
# Display the top memory users or CPU users via ps.
# Andy Welter
# This script doesn't sort CPU time properly for processes using
# more than 24 hours of CPU time. Re-writting this in perl is the
# most practical way to fix this bug since that will give me a lot
# better string manipulation and pattern matching control.
USAGE="hogs [-mem|-cpu]"
if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then
case $OPT in
# The long string of sed commands is used to normalize the elapsed CPU time field so
# that the processes are sorted by time properly.
echo "Top CPU users"
echo "cputime vsize started pid user command"
ps -ea -o time -o vsz -o stime -o pid -o user -o comm | \
tail +2 | \
sed 's/ *..:.. / ZZ:&/' | sed 's/ *ZZ: */ 00:/' | sed 's/^ */ /' | sed s'/00:0:/00:00:/' |
sort -rn | head -20
echo "Top Memory users"
echo "vsize cputime started pid user command"
ps -ea -o vsz -o time -o stime -o pid -o user -o comm | \
tail +2 | sort -rn | head -20
echo "$USAGE"
exit 1
This Perl script acts as a "rexecd" client. The rexec protocol is a is a method for executing commands on a remote system using a username and password for authentication. This differentiates rexec from rsh. Rsh commands use .rhosts and hosts.equiv files to set up trust relationships between systems, and allow command execution without a separate password challenge. There are security drawbacks to each approach.
Trust relationships can be used to compromise other systems once one system is breached. And rexec has no logging for failed login attempts. This allows it to be used as a conduit for dictionary password guessing attacks on a system. Systems directly exposed to the Internet should not run the execd. Systems on controlled networks should use software such as TCP Wrappers or "logdaemon" in order to put logging in place on this service. Future enhancements will include sending standard error and standard to different file descriptors and changing the command's ARGV list so that the command line options (ie password) are not visible via "ps" while the script is running.
inetd listens for rexec requests via TCP connections on port 512. rexec format as documented in the man page for rexec: The input stream consists of null separated values.
"port for standard error\0username\0password\0 command and args\0"
Click here to see the script.
# Andy Welter
# January 10, 2000
# This script acts as a "rexec" client. The rexec protocol is a
# is a method for executing commands on a remote system using a
# username and password for authentication. This diffentiates
# rexec from rsh. Rsh commands use .rhosts and hosts.equiv files
# to set up trust relationships between systems, and allow command
# execution without a seperate password challenge.
# There are security drawbacks to each approach. Trust relationships
# can be used to compromise other systems once one system is breached.
# And rexec has no logging for failed login attempts. This allows it
# to be used as a conduit for dictionary password guessing attacks on
# a system.
# Systems exposed to the internet should not run the execd. Systems on
# controlled networks should use software such as TCP Wrappers in order
# to put logging in place on this service. inetd listens for rexec requests
# via TCP connections on port 512.
# rexec format as documented in the man page for rexec: The input stream
# consists of null separated values.
# port for standard error\0username\0password\0command and args\0
use Socket;
sub sendcmd {
$sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8';
($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname('tcp');
($name, $aliases, $type, $len, $thisaddr) = gethostbyname($host);
$thisport = pack($sockaddr, &AF_INET, 0, $thisaddr);
$thatport = pack($sockaddr, &AF_INET, $port, $thisaddr);
socket(S, &PF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, $proto) ||
die "cannot create socket\n";
connect(S,$thatport) || die "cannot connect socket\n";
# Set socket to write after each print
select(S); $| = 1; select(STDOUT);
# Send command
printf S "0\0%s\0%s\0%s\0",$user,$passwd,$command;
# Read responses from server and print them out
while ( $_ = <S> ) {
printf ("$_");
exit 0;
Syslog Configuration:
Syslog is a standard Unix utility for reporting system
messages. Messages can be kept on the local system, or forwarded to central
loghost machines. Many network devices such as routers and firewalls can
utilize syslog as a reporting mechanism. Messages are processed by the "syslod" daemon process, and are sent to the daemon process either through the logger system call, or through the "logger" command. Syslog configuration is generally controlled via the /etc/syslog.conf file.
Syslog configuration checklist:
- Create an
/etc/syslog.conf file with the desired syslog rules. If you are using a
central syslog server, ensure that the rules on the server send the syslog
output to the desired files.
- Ensure that
the destination file names are valid for the syslog.conf rules. Create
empty files if needed.
- Refresh the
syslogd configuration by either sending a "SIGHUP" signal to the
syslogd process, or by restarting the process.
- Test the syslog
configuration using the "logger" command.
- Implement
automatic log pruning and cleanup to prevent old syslog messages from
filling up file systems.
Syslog scripts
- sample
syslog.conf file
- sample
syslog.conf file for loghost client
- logmaint
- Script to periodically roll over to new syslog files. Can also be used
to initially create syslog output files.
- logdel -
Deletes syslog files over the specified age.
- logtest
- Tests syslog configuration with the "logger" command by
writing a test message to each facility for each priority.
# This program rolls over old log files and creates new ones.
# The program loops through the list of files used by syslog, copies
# the old data to a date and time stamped file, then truncates the
# active log file.
# This program supports one command line option "-compress" or "-nocompress",
# which controls whether or not the program compresses the archived log
# file. The default behavior is controlled by the COMPRESS variable at the
# start of the program.
# Andy Welter 9/23/98
USAGE="logroll [-compress|-nocompress]"
FILES="auth.log daemon.log kern.log user.log syslog.log local0.log messages"
DATE=`date +"%y%m%d"`
case $1 in
"-compress") COMPRESS=yes
"-nocompress") COMPRESS=no
*) echo $USAGE
exit 1
for F in $FILES; do
if [ -f $FF ]; then
while [ -f ${FF}.${DATE} ]; do
DATE=`date +"%y%m%d.%H%M%S"`
cp -p $FF $FF.$DATE
chgrp adm $FF.$DATE
chmod 660 $FF.$DATE
if [ "$COMPRESS" = "yes" ]; then
/usr/bin/compress $FF.$DATE
cat /dev/null > $FF
chgrp adm $FF
chmod 660 $FF
# This program deletes old syslog files
# Andy Welter
# TIMELIMIT is used to control how long a file is kept by the system.
# every time this script runs, it will delete files that are greater
# than the specified number of days.
# TIMELIMIT must start with a "+" in order to function properly.
DATE=`date +"%y%m%d"`
if [ -d $LOGDIR ]; then
find $LOGDIR -type f -name '*.log.*' -mtime $TIMELIMIT -exec rm {} \;
# This is a test of the "logger" and syslog configuration.
# It will loop through all the possible facillities and severity levels
# and send a syslog message for each one.
# Andy Welter 9/23/98
FACILITIES="auth daemon kern lpr mail news user syslog uucp local0"
SEV="debug info notice warn err crit alert emerg"
DATE=`date +"%D %T"`
for F in $FACILITIES; do
for S in $SEV; do
echo "$F.$S ..."
logger -p$F.$S "syslog test $DATE $F.$S"
webcat and
Webcat is a perl program that takes URLs as input and
fetches the specified web page. It can also be used to execute CGI Programs
that use the GET method and URL encoding for their parms. When when given an
URL on the command line, the script fetches a single web page. When no URL is
specified on the command line, the program will read URLs from stdin, one URL
per line. The script does no parsing of the file returned and does not fetch images or URLs listed in frames.
Webload is a simple Bourne shell script that uses webcat in order to retrieve lists of URLs, and reports the amount of time needed to retrieve the page. Webload can save the files to a specified directory or send them to /dev/null. It can also loop through the list and download them repeatedly.
Click here to see webcat
Click here to see webload
Platforms supported: Most Unixs, requires perl5. webcat should work on NT with a good perl port.
# This script is a command line program for fetching web pages.
# It takes URLs as input and then connects to the specified web
# server and retrieves the specified page using an HTTP/1.0 GET
# request. It does not parse the resulting web page, and does
# not retrieve any associated images, included files, or source
# files for embedded frames.
# A single URL can be given on the command line, or the program
# will read URLs from stdin, one URL per line.
# Andy Welter
# 9/1/1999
use Socket;
if ( "$ARGV[0]" ne "" ) {
} else {
chop ($url = <STDIN>);
# quiet means don't print prompts and diagnostics
# Read std in and write it to the server
# Open a socket for each command
printf ("url: ") unless $quiet;
while ( $url ) {
($host,$filename)=split /\//, $url, 2;
($host,$port)=split /:/,$host;
if ($port eq "") {
printf ("set up socket to $host:$port\n") unless $quiet;
$sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8';
($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname('tcp');
($name, $aliases, $type, $len, $thisaddr) = gethostbyname($host);
$thisport = pack($sockaddr, &AF_INET, 0, $thisaddr);
$thatport = pack($sockaddr, &AF_INET, $port, $thisaddr);
printf ("Opening socket...\n") unless $quiet;
socket(S, &PF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, $proto) ||
die "cannot create socket\n";
connect(S,$thatport) || die "cannot connect socket\n";
# Set socket to write after each print
select(S); $| = 1; select(STDOUT);
# Send command
printf ("Sending $filename") unless $quiet;
print S "GET $filename HTTP/1.0\n\n";
# Read responses from server
while ( $_ = <S> ) {
printf ("$_") unless $opt_n;
if ($interactive) {
printf ("url: ") unless $quiet;
chop ($url=<STDIN>);
else {
exit 0;
# Andy Welter
# This script uses the webcat program to download a list of URLs.
# It can be used to repeatadly download the list of files in order to
# generate a steady traffic load on a web server, and can also save
# the resulting files in a directory.
# Options:
# -file <filename>
# The file name containing the list of URLS to retrieve.
# -delay <seconds>
# The number of seconds to pause between GET requests
# by default, there is no delay between requests.
# -save <dirname>
# The name of an existing directory where the output will
# be saved
# -loop <count>
# The number of times that the script will loop through the file list.
# The default is 1. A negative number will cause an infinite loop.
USAGE="webload -file <filename> [-loop <count>] [-save <dirname>] [-delay <seconds>]"
while [ $# -gt 1 ]; do
case $1 in
-file|-f) URLS=$2
-delay|-d) DELAY=$2
-save|-s) SAVEDIR=$2
-loop|-l) LOOP =$2
*) echo $USAGE
exit 1
shift 2
echo $URLS
while [ $COUNT -ne $LOOP ]; do
cat $URLS | while read URL; do
echo $URL
if [ -n "$SAVEDIR" ]; then
FILE=`echo $URL | sed 's,[ /],.,g`
webcat $URL > $SAVEDIR/$FILE
webcat $URL > /dev/null
echo ---------------------
sleep $DELAY
COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1`
This script is used to manage log files on a system.
It will maintain a specified number of log file copies, renaming the old ones
in a format "logfilename", "logfilename.0",
"logfilename.1", with "logfilename.0" being the most recent
archived log file. Click here to see the script.
Platforms supported: Most Unixs.
# Roll log files.
# This script will maintain a specified number of old log files,
# named by appending a number to the end of it, with the older
# files having higher numbers. Numbering will start at zero.
# Andy Welter
# 1/4/2001
stat_check () {
if [ "$RC" != "0" ]; then
print "ERROR: $MSG"
exit $RC
if [ ! -f "$FILE" ]; then
stat_check 1 "No such log file $FILE"
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
COUNT=`expr $2 - 1`
while [ $COUNT -ge 1 ]; do
NEXT=`expr $COUNT - 1`
if [ -f $FILE.$COUNT ]; then
stat_check $? "Removing $FILE.$COUNT"
if [ -f $FILE.$NEXT ]; then
stat_check $? "Moving $FILE.$NEXT"
COUNT=`expr $COUNT - 1`
# Copy then truncate the active log file to avoid problems with
# open file descriptors
cp -p $FILE $FILE.0
stat_check $? "Moving $FILE.$NEXT"
cat /dev/null > $FILE
This script is used to copy the disk partitioning from one
disk to another. This does not copy any data, it simply replicates the
partition layout as you could do using the "format" program.
This script comes in handy when setting up a batch of new disk drives, or when
setting up disk mirroring using Solstice Disk Suite. NOTE: the source and destination disks must have the same geometry. (size, cylinders, sectors, etc). This script does not check to see if the destination disk is in use, but it does save a backup copy of the old disk partitioning in /tmp/format.dat.<diskname>.bak.
Click here to see the script.
Platforms supported: Solaris 2.x.
# Clone a disk format. This can be useful when setting up
# a bunch of new disks, or when setting up a disk that will
# be a mirror of an existing disk.
# NOTE: This program assumes that the source and destination
# disk drives are the exact same make and model.
# Andy Welter
# 1/4/2001
echo "Copy format from $SOURCE to $DEST"
echo "Are you sure that $DEST is not in use? [y|n]"
read ANS
if [ "$ANS" != "y" ]; then
echo "Exiting."
exit 1
if [ ! -h /dev/dsk/${SOURCE}s0 -a \
! -h /dev/dsk/${SOURCE}s0 ]; then
echo "no such disk"
if [ -f $FORMATDAT -o \
-f $FORMATBAK ]; then
echo "$FORMATDAT or $FORMATBAK already exists"
exit 1
echo "Saving source format table..."
format $SOURCE << EOF > /dev/null 2>&1
# Get the disk type and partition table name from the file
DNAME=`grep "^disk_type" $FORMATDAT | cut -d'"' -f2`
PNAME=`grep "^partition" $FORMATDAT | cut -d'"' -f2`
# Save the old format table for the destination device
echo "Saving backup copy of $DEST format table in $FORMATBAK..."
format $DEST << EOF > /dev/null
echo "Copy new format table to $DEST ..."
format -x $FORMATDAT -t $DNAME -p $PNAME $DEST << EOF > /dev/null
echo "done."
Most systems ship with an overly permissive inetd.conf
file. This eliminates services that are potential security hazards. There
are more full fledged security tightening scripts than this such as the
Bastille Linux project and Titan amongst others. But this is handy if all you
want to do is sweep through a bunch of inetd.conf files.Click here to see the script.
Platforms supported: Most Unixs, but the service lists are Solaris oriented.
# Andy Welter
# 1/3/2001
# This script is used to tighten up the security of a system's
# inetd.conf file, which is used to control what services the inet daemon
# will start up on a system.
# Most Unix systems ship by default with some services that are better
# left disabled. This script has 4 levels of tightening it can do:
# Default - Only the worst of the default services are turned off.
# Suitable for non-mission critical servers on a relatively
# trustworthy internal network.
# medium - Slightly more restrictive, internal servers would be a good
# candidate for this level.
# high - Much more restrictive. Used for systems that are exposed to the
# internet either directly, or within a DMZ. Web servers, ftp
# servers, mail gateways, etc.
# max - ???
# Usage:
USAGE='inetd_lockdown [-medium|-high|-max] [-install] [<inetd.conf filename>]'
# Check return codes, and exit if not zero.
rccheck () {
if [ $RC -ne 0 ]; then
print "Error at $2"
exit 1
# Define services to disable for each level
# Services that have names are defined in the /etc/services file. The services with numbers here
# are services that use remote procedure calls. (rpc). Many rpc based services have a history
# of buffer overrun security issues.
DEFLIST="comsat exec talk uucp tftp name finger systat netstat echo discard chargen rquotad walld rexed ruserd"
MEDLIST="$DEFLIST shell login 100232 xaudio"
HIGHLIST="$MEDLIST rstatd printer kerbd ufsd timed dtspc 100068 100083 100235 100221 100229 100230"
while [ $# -ge 1 ]; do
case $1 in
-medium) LIST=$MEDLIST
-hi|-high) LIST=$HIGHLIST
-m|-max) LIST=$MAXLIST
-i|-install) INSTALL="yes"
-v) VERBOSE="yes"
-*) print "$USAGE"
exit 1
*) FILE=$1
if [ ! -r $FILE ]; then
print "ERROR: No such file or file unreadable - $FILE"
exit 1
if [ $VERBOSE ]; then
print "Disabling the following services:"
print "$LIST"
if [ $INSTALL ]; then
print "The new $FILE will be installed automatically"
BAKFILE=`date +"$FILE.%y%m%d"`
rccheck $? "backup"
# Loop through the list of services and use sed to comment the service out
for SVC in $LIST; do
sed "s/^$SVC/#&/" < $TMPFILE > $NEWFILE
rccheck $? "sed"
rccheck $? "cp"
# Install the new file and make inetd re-read it's config file
if [ "$INSTALL" = "yes" ]; then
if [ $VERBOSE ]; then
print "Installing file now..."
if [ -w $FILE ]; then
rccheck $? "install"
PID=`ps -eaf -o pid -o comm | grep -w "inetd" |\
(read pid cmd; echo $pid)`
kill -HUP $PID
if [ $VERBOSE ]; then
print "Difference between old and new files:"
Sequentially ping a range of IP addresses. This script is
not as efficient as using a program such as nmap, but it is a handy exercise
for manipulating IP addresses in Perl.Click here to see the script
Platforms supported: Most Unixs.
# This script will ping a range of IP addresses given
# a starting and ending address. There are other faster
# ways to do this, for example, the nmap program, but this
# is also an example on how to manipulate IP addresses in Perl.
# Andy Welter
# January 2001
use Socket;
$usage="ping_scan <starting IP address> [ending ip address]\n";
($#ARGV >= 0) || die "$usage";
if ($#ARGV == 0 ) {
} else {
# Convert "" notation address into an integer.
$cur_bin= unpack "L", inet_aton $cur_str;
$end_bin= unpack "L", inet_aton $end_str;
while ( $cur_bin <= $end_bin ) {
# Convert integer into a notation address.
$cur_str=inet_ntoa (pack "L", $cur_bin);
print "$cur_str ... ";
# Ping the host
open (PING , "ping $cur_str $packet_count |") ||
die "Cannot execute ping command\n";
while ( $_ = <PING > ) {
print $_;
close PING ;
This script does a reverse address lookup, returning a host
name when given an IP address. It uses the gethostbyname function call, which
means it will use whatever name resolution method the host running the program
uses. This is meant to provide a more easily parsed format for output than
nslookup provides, and is mostly useful inside other scripts.Click here to see the script
Platforms supported: Unix and NT with a good Perl port
# This script does a reverse address lookup, returning
# a host name when given an IP address. It uses the
# gethostbyaddr function call, which means it will use
# whatever name resolution method the host running the
# program uses. This is meant to provide a more easily
# parsed format for output than nslookup provides.
# Andy Welter
# January 16, 2001
use Socket;
$hostname=gethostbyaddr(inet_aton ($addr), AF_INET);
if ( $hostname ) {
print "$hostname\n";
} else {
exit 1;
When given an IP address, this script does a hostname
lookup lookup. It uses the gethostbyaddr function call, which will use whatever
name resolution method the host running the program uses. Like the previous
script this is meant to provide a more easily parsed format for output than
nslookup provides, and is mostly useful inside other scripts.Click here to see the script
Platforms supported: Unix and NT with a good Perl port
# Obtain an IP address for a host name
# The gethostbyname function uses whatever name service the system
# you run it on is configured to use. For example, this may be
# local hosts files, NIS , NIS+ , or of course, DNS.
# This output is meant to be easier to use than the information
# returned by nslookup.
# Andy Welter
# January 16, 2001
if ( $addr ) {
($a,$b,$c,$d)=unpack ('C4', $addr);
print "$a.$b.$c.$d\n";
} else {
exit 1;
When given an IP address or host name, this script will perform
a forward and reverse look up using gethostbyaddr and gethostbyname. This is
useful for verifying that reverse DNS entries have been set up correctly, or to
make sure that an IP address does not have a spoofed reverse entry.Click here to see the script
Platforms supported Unix and NT with a good Perl port.
# Cross check the a host name using forward and reverse DNS
# lookups. If the name passed in is a "cname" (aka alias),
# then the second hostname returned will not match the first.
# That is ok. The biggest thing to watch for is that the addresses
# match.
# The gethostbyname or gethostbyaddr functions use whatever name service
# the system you run it on is configured to use. For example, this may be
# local hosts files, NIS , NIS+ , or of course, DNS.
# Andy Welter
# May 16, 2001
use Socket;
# Get the address for the name passed in. If someone
# passed us an address, gethostbyname will return the address anyway.
if ( $addr1 ) {
($a,$b,$c,$d)=unpack ('C4', $addr1);
} else {
die "Lookup failed for name1=$name1\n";
# Do a reverse look up to get the name that goes with this address
$name2=gethostbyaddr (inet_aton ($addr1txt), AF_INET);
if ( $name2 ) {
} else {
die "Lookup failed for addr1=$addr1txt\n";
# Now do a forward lookup on the address to get the name.
if ( $addr2 ) {
($a,$b,$c,$d)=unpack ('C4', $addr2);
} else {
die "Lookup failed for name2=$name2\n";
printf ("%-32s\t%s\n", "Hostname:","Address:");
printf ("%-32s\t%s\n%-32s\t%s\n",
$name1, $addr1txt, $name2, $addr2txt);
This program is an implementation of the "crypt"
rc4 encryption program. It is a simple two way encryption program that can
encrypt a file or data stream using a supplied key. When the same key and
program are used on an encrypted file, it will decrypt the file.Click here for the script
Platforms supported Unix and NT with Perl.
# A perl implementation of the "crypt" program.
# This program implements an rc4 encrytion algorythm
# using a variable length key single piece key.
# It takes a file or data stream and encrypts it using the
# provided key. Running the output of the program back
# through the program with the same key will decrypt it.
# USAGE: rc4 <keyval> [file name]
# If no file name is provided, the script will read from
# Andy Welter
# May 2001
# Encrypt a buffer at a type. Encryption is a stateful
# process, so we use the "@state" global variable to track
# the state.
sub rc4 {
my ($buf) = @_;
my ($ebuf, $char);
for(unpack('C*',$buf)) {
$char= pack (C,
$_^=$state[ ($state[$x] + $state[$y]) %256 ]);
$ebuf= $ebuf . $char;
return $ebuf;
sub prepkey {
# Prepare the encryption key
my @key=@_;
my @hexkey=unpack('C*',pack('H*',shift @key));
my ($x, $y);
my @t;
my @state;
# prepare key
return @state;
local @state=prepkey("$ARGV[0]");
my $x=0;
my $y=0;
my $file;
if ( $ARGV[1] eq "" ) {
# If no file name was specified,
# use standard-in as the file name
} else {
open (IN,"$file") || die "error: can not open $file";
while (read (IN,$buf, 1024)) {
print rc4 ($buf);
This script uses the "/var/sadm/install/contents"
file in Solaris to recreate a Solaris package file based on the currently
installed files on the system. This can be useful as a way of making a backup
of a Solaris package prior to removing it, or as a way to recreate a Solaris
installation package when you no longer have the package file that it came in.
It can also be useful as a way of creating a modified / customized package for
installation on other systems. One could change file contents, ownerships, or
permissions to suit their needs, repackage the files, and use that package for
installation on other systems.Click here for the script
Platforms Supported: Solaris 2.x
# Re-create a Solaris package installation file from it's installed
# components.
# Andy Welter
# Limitations:
# This script will only capture files that have entires in the
# /var/sadm/install/contents file. It will not capture other files such
# as config files that were added for the package later. It will also
# not capture any pre or post install scripts that may have been used
# when the package was originally installed.
# The file ownerships and permissions in the new package are will be the
# same as the actual file ownerships and permissions, not what they were
# when the file was originally installed.
USAGE="repack <package name>"
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "$USAGE"
exit 1
pkginfo $PKG
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "No such package $PKG."
exit 1
if [ ! -d $TMPDIR ]; then
mkdir $TMPDIR
echo "$TMPDIR already exists. Exiting"
exit 1
echo "PKG=$PKG" > pkginfo
echo 'BASEDIR="/"' >> pkginfo
pkginfo -l $PKG | while read KEYWORD VALUE; do
case $KEYWORD in
# make sure the name reflects the fact that this
# is a repackaged Solaris package.
echo "NAME=$VALUE - repackaged" >> pkginfo
echo "CATEGORY=$VALUE" >> pkginfo
echo "ARCH=$VALUE" >> pkginfo
# make sure the version reflects the fact that this
# is a repackaged Solaris package.
echo "VERSION=$VALUE - repackaged" >> pkginfo
echo "VENDOR=$VALUE" >> pkginfo
echo "EMAIL=$VALUE" >> pkginfo
echo "i pkginfo=./pkginfo" > prototype
grep $PKG /var/sadm/install/contents | cut -f1 -d" "| pkgproto >> prototype
if [ -d /var/spool/pkg/$PKG ]; then
echo "Package already exists in /var/spool/pkg."
echo "Do you want to over write this package? "
read ANS
if [ "$ANS" = "y" -o \
"$ANS" = "yes" ]; then
pkgmk -o -r /
echo "Ok, exiting"
exit 1
pkgmk -r /
cd /var/spool/pkg
rm -r $TMPDIR
echo "Do you want to turn the pkg directory into a single package file? "
read ANS
if [ "$ANS" = "y" -o \
"$ANS" = "yes" ]; then
pkgtrans -s /var/spool/pkg $PKG.pkg
rm -r /var/spool/pkg/$PKG
This script creates a simple solaris package by
interactively prompting for the basic values of a package. It assumes that you
already have the files installed on the system in the proper location, with the
desired ownerships and permissions. Click here for the script
Platforms Supported: Solaris 2.x
# This script creates a simple solaris package by interactively
# prompting for the basic values of a package. It assumes that
# you already have the files installed on the system in the proper
# location, with the desired ownerships and permissions.
# Andy Welter
# Version 1.0
# 2005
copyScript () {
if [ "$2" = "" ]; then
elif [ -d $1 ]; then
cp $1/$2 $TMPDIR
print "i $2=./$2" >> prototype
elif [ -f $1 ]; then
cp $1 $TMPDIR/$2
print "i $2=./$2" >> prototype
print "ERROR! bad file name or path $1"
print "Creating pkginfo file..."
print "Enter values for solaris package variables: "
print -n "Package name (8 chars or less, no spaces [PKG]: "
read pkg
if [ -d $TMPDIR ]; then
print "ERROR: $TMPDIR already exists"
exit 1
mkdir $TMPDIR
print "PKG=$pkg" > pkginfo
print -n "\t Package long name [NAME]: "
read name
print "NAME=$name" >> pkginfo
print -n "\t package CATEGORY: [ex. utility, application] "
read cat
print "CATEGORY=$cat" >> pkginfo
print "ARCH=sparc" >> pkginfo
print -n "\t VERSION: "
read version
print "VERSION=$version" >> pkginfo
print -n "\t VENDOR: "
read vendor
print "VENDOR=$vendor" >> pkginfo
#print -n "\t BASEDIR: "
#read basedir
print "BASEDIR=$basedir" >> pkginfo
print "EMAIL=" >> pkginfo
print "Creating package prototype file..."
cat /dev/null > prototype
print "Solaris packages can run scripts at 3 points"
print "= a 'checkinstall' script for checking package dependencies"
print "= a 'preinstall' script that prepares a system for the installation of the files"
print "= a 'postinstall' script that runs after the other package files have been installed"
print "The files must be named checkinstall, preinstall, or postinstall."
print "Enter the FULL path name to any checkinstall script you wish to run (optional): "
read script
copyScript $script checkinstall
print "Enter the path name to any preinstall script you wish to run (optional): "
read script
copyScript $script preinstall
print "Enter the path name to any postinstall script you wish to run (optional): "
read script
copyScript $script postinstall
print -n "Enter the name of a file containing a list of the package files: "
read manifest
if [ -f "$manifest" ]; then
print "i pkginfo=./pkginfo" >> prototype
cat $manifest | pkgproto >> prototype
print "ERROR: Must specify a file listing the contents of the package"
exit 1
if [ -d /var/spool/pkg/$pkg ]; then
echo "Package already exists in /var/spool/pkg."
echo "Do you want to over write this package? "
read ANS
if [ "$ANS" = "y" -o \
"$ANS" = "yes" ]; then
pkgmk -o -r /
echo "Ok, exiting"
exit 1
pkgmk -r /
cd /var/spool/pkg
rm -r $TMPDIR
echo "Do you want to turn the pkg directory into a single package file? "
read ANS
if [ "$ANS" = "y" -o \
"$ANS" = "yes" ]; then
pkgtrans -s /var/spool/pkg $pkg.pkg
rm -r /var/spool/pkg/$pkg
This script doesn't do anything... It is just a file
with examples of Bourne shell script syntax. It can be handy if you don't
write in sh often and want your memory jogged, or if you can never remember
what test operator checks to see if a file is a symbolic link or not. Click here to see the script.
Platforms supported: generic Bourne shell script syntax.
# Some script syntax examples:
# reading output from one program to use in a variable
ps -eaf | grep httpd | while read USER PID PPID THEREST; do
grep "error: $PID" /var/adm/somelogfile
# The problem with the previous example is that you can't do
# something with standard out in the middle of the loop, since
# you are already using standard out. Another way to do it is this:
ps -eaf | grep httpd | while read USER PID PPID THEREST; do
for CURPID in $PIDLIST; do
grep "error: $PID" /var/adm/somelogfile >> /tmp/someotherlog
# You can also format the output of "ps" the way you want using the
# "-o" option.
ps -eaf -o pid -o comm | grep "httpd" | while read PID CMD; do
kill $PID
# You can also use program output this way:
# Suppose you want to see what the permissions and ownerships were on some
# command that was in your path:
ls -al `which su`
# Or suppose you wanted to save a date/time stamp so that you could use
# it multiple times:
DTIME=`date +"%m%d%y.%H%M"`
mv log1 log1.$DTIME
mv log2 log2.$DTIME
# Some examples of the "test" operation:
# -r file exists and is readable
# -w file exists and is writable
# -x file exists and is executable
# -f file exists and is a regular file. (not a dir)
# -d file is a directory
# -h file is a symbolic link
# -c file is a character special file
# -b block special file
# -p named pipe
# -u setuid file
# -g setgid file
# -k sticky bit set
# -s file exists and has a size greater than 0
# -z test for zero len string
# -n non-zero length string
# Numeric test operators:
# -lt less than
# -le less than or equal to
# -gt greater than
# -ge greater than or equal to
# -eq equal to
# -ne not equal to
# String test operators
# = equal
# != not equal
# > greater than
# < less than
# boolean operators
# -a and
# -o or
# ! not
if [ -f /tmp/myfile ]; then
cat /tmp/myfile
# elif structure
if [ ! -f $FILE ]; then
echo "No such file $FILE"
elif [ ! -r $FILE ]; then
echo "$FILE not readable"
echo "File is readable"
# Processing command line options:
while [ $# -ge 2 ]; do
case $1 in
-f) FILE=$2
shift 2
-d) DEVICE=$2
shift 2
*) echo "usage: $0 [-f <filename>] [-d <device name>]"
exit 1
# This is an example of of subroutine definition and call
hup_daemon () {
ps -e -o pid,comm | grep "$DAEMON" | while read PID COMM; do
echo "send HUP to $PID $COMM"
kill -HUP $PID
hup_daemon inetd
# Writing data to syslog
/usr/local/bin/someCommand > /var/adm/someCommand.log
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
logger -p user.notice "NOTE: someCommand worked just fine"
logger -p user.err "ERROR: someCommand had a problem"
#sending a file as an attachment in email
uuencode /var/adm/someCommand.log someCommand.log | mailx -s "Log file from
This script doesn't do anything... It is just a file
with examples of simple Perl syntax. It can be handy if you don't write
in perl often and want your memory jogged. Click here to see the script.
Platforms supported: generic Perl syntax.
# This is an example Perl script that doesn't do that much. It is mostly an
# example of Perl syntax. The last part of the example is a basic web
# server log analysis program.
# Types of variables
# Scalar variables always start with a "$" whether they are on the left or
# right hand side of an expression. This differs from bourne, korn,
# and C-shell scripts.
# arrays
# Arrays can be referenced two ways, in an array "context", or in a
# scalar "context". In an array context, the array name starts with
# a %. When referenced with a $, the value of the array is evaluated
# as a scalar value. Arrays are referenced as scalars when you are
# accessing a single element of the array by its subscript. When the
# name of the array is referenced with an $ and no subscript, the
# value of the expression is the length of the array.
%months=("", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
$monthCount=$months -1;
# Hashes or associative arrays
# One of the most useful innovations in Perl. An associative array
# is like an array where the index is a string rather than an integer.
# When referenced with a @, the variable is an array. When used with
# a $ and a subscript, you get the value of the array element. Without
# the subscript, you get the
%namesAndNicknames ("Andrew", "Andy", "William", "Bill", "James", Jim");
$nickname=$namesAndNicknames {"Andrew");
$namesAndNicknames {"William"} = "Billy Bob";
# Get a list of hash keys
@names=keys (%namesAndNicknames);
# Get a list of the values in the hash
@values=values (%namesAndNicknames);
# A subroutine definition and call
sub isEqual {
my ($parm1, $parm2) = @_;
if ( $parm1 eq $parm2) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
$rc=isEqual ("abc", "def");
# Simple control structures
if ( $nickname eq "Billy Bob" ) {
} elsif ( $nickname eq "Nigel" ) {
$length = @names;
for ($ii=0; $ii < $length; $ii++) {
print ("$names [$ii] aka $namesAndNicknames{$names [$ii]} \n");
foreach $name (@names) {
printf ("%s aka %s \n",
$name, $namesAndNicknames {$name});
# open a file for output, read from standard in, and write it to the outfile.
open (OUTFILE, "> /var/tmp/junk");
while ( $_ = <>) {
print (OUTFILE "$_");
# The first parm in the open command is the file handle name, File handles
# have odd syntax... they do not have any special character in front of them
# such as $, %, or &.
open (LOG,"<$logFile") || die "error: can not open $LOG";
# split the lines of the log file. Ex.
# - someuserid [01/Jan/1998:08:30:15 -0500] "GET /~welter/index.html HTTP/1.1" 304 -
while (<LOG>) {
($host,$junk,$userid,$date,$time,$request,$url,$protocol,$junk2) =
split (/\s+/);
if (($url =~ /welter/) && !($url =~ /jpg/)) {
$urls {"$url"} ++;
$hosts {"$host"} ++;
$dates {"$date"} ++;
print "URL Requests by host.\n";
while (($key ,$count) = each %hosts) {
print "$count\t$key\n";
print "\nURL Requests by URL.\n";
while (($key ,$count) = each %urls) {
print "$count\t$key\n";
# sort some hash by value
@sorted = sort { $hash{$a} cmp $hash{$b} } keys %hash;
for $key (@sorted) {
print $hash{$key}\n;
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